FINDING ASYLUM: Welcoming the Shadow to guide us home

In the minute it takes to read the first few lines of this article, 20 people from across the planet will be newly displaced from their homes as a result of human rights violations, conflict or violence. In fact, we are experiencing the highest levels of displacement on record, where 1 out of every 113 persons globally is a refugee, internally displaced or seeking asylum.

Clearly, we are living in a time largely shaped by conditions of disconnect and disruption. These statistics—attempts at making immense numbers of people without homes, and with severed connections to place, culture, community and family somehow fathomable—represent just a portion of this great upheaval. Not as individuals, but as a collective body of humanity, we are being propelled to reconsider what it means to belong, to come home.

It is easy to distance ourselves from the big stories of suffering in this world. Yet, if we can steel ourselves against the ‘eyes-glazing-over’ impersonal nature of data, and instead let its weight settle us into the depths from which reflection can arise, we may see how we all are linked to the breakdown that is rolling across the earth like a gigantic wave.

The seeds of suffering, sowed and watered to create large-scale catastrophes, are kernels that reside closer to our individual hearts and experiences than most of us feel comfortable acknowledging.

It may be, as mythologist Michael Meade suggests, that archaic fears and hatred are inescapably surfacing while our “typical societal containers rattle and crack, becoming less able to contain the flood of extreme ideas, raw energies and dark emotions that surge through the world.”

Certainly, the majority of us would not consciously choose to add to the fear, divisiveness and rage that propel this metaphoric tsunami. It can be said that much of what is manifesting as crises in our cultural, economic and environmental realms is arising from the depths of our unconscious.

The Jungian shadow

man and shadowIf everything in the unconscious (the unknown of our inner world and internal nature) seeks conscious outward expression—if that which is latent seeks manifestation—then we know even the ‘dark side’ of our splintered personalities, often referred to as the shadow, will demand to be understood.

The 19th-century pioneering psychologist Carl Jung describes the shadow as everything we refuse to acknowledge about ourselves, but which is constantly thrusting itself directly or indirectly upon us. It is imperative, then, that we guide our hidden material out of the realm of secrecy, hold it up to the light of compassionate awareness, and from there, make cognizant choices about how we want to respond to the changes that are before us.

To do this, we can recognize the unconscious as being partially comprised of repressed yet painful memories, thoughts and feelings called the personal unconscious. These are not necessarily tendencies that we or our society have determined to be morally unacceptable (they might be normal instincts, appropriate reactions and creative impulses, for example), but they are experiences, nonetheless, that have somehow splintered off from and been deemed incompatible with our consciousness.

One way to understand the mechanism of relegating aspects of oneself to the realm of the unconscious is through the experience of trauma and shame. Fortunately, the devastating physiological and psychological effects of cumulative exposure to traumatic stressors, and the role that unresolved trauma—whether at the individual, cultural or systemic level, stemming from the past or the present—is playing in our current global state of chaos is now garnering much-needed attention.

Shame is one of the many debilitating emotional responses that can follow exposure to a traumatic event. There seems to be less interest, however, in delving into the ubiquitous yet profound nature of shame as a fundamental reality of the human experience. Each of us has experienced rejection and failure—simply being in a human body requires the experience of separation, as we discover and grow into our own individual essence and expressions.

Disowning part of the self

mans face with broken piecesShame-induced experiences often begin in childhood, when someone of significance fails to fully hear, understand and validate our needs (whether or not that need is eventually gratified). A crucial interpersonal bridge begins to break, and an awareness of ourselves as fundamentally deficient in some vital way can begin to form (children naturally assume culpability).

If our developing sense of self deeply identifies with and internalizes the experience of shame, a process of disowning parts of the self ensues.

If our developing sense of self deeply identifies with and internalizes the experience of shame, a process of disowning parts of the self ensues. This split, fuelling an ongoing internal conflict with the disowned parts, is one way we attempt to restore a semblance of internal balance. As Gershen Kaufman explains in his book Shame: The Power of Caring, the conscious self is then, at least, freed from the unbearable, paralyzing effects of shame. Otherwise, Kaufman asks, “How is the self to cope with the ‘enemy within’?”

It is no wonder we have created innumerable ‘others’ in our lives to hold the space for this enemy. We spend inordinate amounts of time and energy pushing away the shadow, denying its existence or resisting the many difficult emotions that can surface to reflect the experience of the self as divided or wanting.

Without a strong resolve for self-knowledge, the proclivity to project undesirable feelings onto others, blame something outside ourselves, and push the seed of responsibility far, far away becomes effectively automatic. It can be surmised, therefore, that much of our world is unconsciously organized to cover up the painfully diminished sense of self that we each embody at some level.

The result of this, over generations and centuries of human experience, is the collective denial and despair we are now trying to break through and break down. It is the shadow, therefore, that we must look to for guidance on how to build our individual and institutional psychological capacities to explore unconscious material. For to open to our shadows is to open to our full selves—only then can we step into vulnerable, authentic relationships with others and the world around us.

Sometimes, shadow material needs to be gazed at and beheld to discharge the potentially destructive force of unacknowledged energies. Sometimes this process necessitates skilled therapeutic guidance. Often, we can begin through contemplative mindfulness-based practices that support our capacity to allow and accept all conditions of mind, body and emotion. These practices teach us to strengthen our internal muscles of awareness and to be compassionately present to these conditions, rather than becoming them and letting them blindly lead the way.

Over time, an internal spaciousness is created where all emotions and sensations—even the turbulent ones, even those that arise from ignored or rejected aspects—can reside together in a kind of tender cohabitation. From this place, we find that the journey home is a journey of acknowledging what is inside and establishing a conscious relationship with what we find. It is not a process of apathy or inaction, but a process of seeing clearly and rebuilding the intra- and interpersonal bridges that support genuine connection.

Another way to meet the shadow is through our sleep-induced dream activity, when our consciousness is at its lowest ebb and our unconscious can spontaneously manifest in the form of images and symbols.

As mythologist Joseph Campbell states, “dreams are the vocabulary of the unconscious speaking to the conscious mind,” where subject and object are the same, “self-luminous, fluent in form and multivalent in its meaning.” They act as an operator of sorts, harvesting from the depths for the benefit of surface consciousness, and seeding the depths with the commonplace experiences of the surface, so that they, too, will be transformed into something of value.

If attended to, this is a kind of spiritual alchemy designed to keep surface awareness nourished by the depths, ultimately revealing the actual nature of the unconscious as boundless Consciousness that ego has separated itself from.

The dream image

man and dog walking in field with giant gorillaOver the last two centuries, the Western mind’s approach to dreams has been influenced largely by the Freudian manner of association, where a meaningful connection is made between the dream image and a past experience, and by the Jungian perspective, which involves seeing dream images as potentially originating from the collective human psyche and representing universal archetypes that are similar to what we find in religion, myths and fairytales.

From this latter approach, we can see dreams as a gateway into a realm of the unconscious that is made up of not only repressed thoughts or feelings acquired by the individual, but of inherited, omnipresent, transcultural instincts that form a deeper layer of the psyche, the collective unconscious.

These images can offer us insights into our own personal mythology through their relationship to a broader, ancient yet immediate wisdom and knowing. Jung states that here, “man is no longer a distinct individual, but where his mind widens out and merges into the mind of mankind—not the conscious mind, but the unconscious mind of mankind, where we are all the same.”

The process of active imagination encourages us to continue this exploration and encounter the dream image as an embodied reality that exists both in spirit and in matter. If arising from the depths of our souls, dream images are imbued with their own intelligence, and come to us on their own behalf, for their own reasons.

Similar to approaching our arising feelings and thoughts during mindfulness practice, meeting the living image requires openness and a certain curious detachment about whom or what will arrive. We step back into the experience of the dream with our waking mind, and pull to our awareness all of its sights, sounds and sensations.

Rather than concluding a predetermined meaning, however, our task is to watch, gather information and let the dream unfold as it will—to hold an inquisitive space of deep listening by asking, who is visiting and what is happening now?

A meeting between the conscious and subconscious

wire images on a human faceNo matter how we invite a meeting between the conscious and unconscious, invite it we must if we are to survive as a human species. While the idea of returning home to the undivided Self—often described as the whole, awakened or Divine Self—implies a destination, it is the journey that requires our utmost respect, care and attention; it demands our willingness to be fully present to that which is at once mysterious and familiar, perfect and imperfect.

While the idea of returning home to the undivided Self—often described as the whole, awakened or Divine Self—implies a destination, it is the journey that requires our utmost respect, care and attention.

The open enso circle, seen in the Zen tradition as a symbol of enlightenment, reminds us that to be human is to be in the process of movement and growth, incomplete, while at the same time held within the perfection of all things.

Along our journey, we will be accompanied by innumerable companions, and it is the living symbol, arising from the imaginal activity of our psyche, that is perhaps most devoted and stalwart. We can engage the creative potencies inherent in the various forms of the round—for example, the ancient symbol of the uroboros, the circular serpent that embraces the evolutionary process of mankind—to illuminate a path that might otherwise be too dark.

Just as the snake has the power to shed its skin, so too must we engage our own primordial, instinctual forces to meet our shadow—shed our skin, as it were—and deeply, consciously re-embody the beautiful gifts that these forces have to offer.

This is an embrace eloquently expressed in Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem, “The Tenth Duino Elegy”:

Let my joyfully streaming face make me more radiant; let my hidden weeping arise and blossom. How dear you will be to me then, you nights of anguish. Why didn’t I kneel more deeply to accept you, inconsolable sisters, and surrendering, lose myself in your loosened hair. How we squander our hours of pain. How we gaze beyond them into the bitter duration to see if they have an end. Though they are really our winter-enduring foliage, our dark evergreen, our season in our inner year—, not only a season in time—, but are place and settlement, foundation and soil and home.

«RELATED READ» AWAKENED BEINGS: Integrating the three aspects of the self»

Ariel Bleth is a freelance writer who lives in Missoula, Montana.

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THE PERSONAL TOUCH IN LA PLATA, ARGENTINA: Travels in Latin America [Part 7]

La Plata: A new city to discover

The streets looked a bit rough, I observed as the bus pulled into La Plata, Argentina, around 50 miles (56 km.) south of Buenos Aires. I did have friends here, though. There were likely some sweet times in store, regardless.

Not finding anyone I knew at the bus station. I walked out the front door and looked down the street. No one. Coming back in, I nearly bumped into Carlos! My friend, whom I’d first met in 2010 at Meher Baba’s Samadhi in India, and who’d welcomed me to Buenos Aires four days ago, had come through again.

Friends at the La Plata bus station - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Left: Just outside the La Plata bus station. Right: Pablo, the author and Carlos.

Carlos’ friend Pablo, another Baba devotee, was waiting in his car. As we drove towards my hotel, I began to see livelier parts of the city.

Pablo didn’t speak a great deal of English, and I was limited in Spanish. I continued gamely using my phone app, with limited success. Bilingual Carlos—who’d once told me, “I had 4 great English teachers named John, Paul, George and Ringo”—saved the day. Through his translations, I learned that Pablo is a drummer, a clown and a psychotherapist. The fact that Pablo looked a little like an American Baba friend of mine also contributed to the nice connection I felt with him.

Another hotel “score”

The Corregidor Hotel - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

The Corregidor Hotel: perfect except for a missing bathtub plug, a matter rectified immediately by a phone call!

I’d booked four nights at the Corregidor Hotel, 10 or so minutes from the bus station. The impressive building sat in a pleasant location across the street from a park-like square called Plaza San Martin.

Plaza San Martin - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Plaza San Martin, named after the liberator of Argentina, whose statue appears near the photo’s centre.

As in Montevideo, I arrived at the hotel before check-in time. The friendly desk clerk here, too, tagged my bag and stored it. Carlos, Pablo and I walked around the corner to a favorite hangout of theirs.

Over beer and a snack, my friends told me more about the Meher Baba group in Argentina. There are “Baba-lovers” all over the country, including in the city of Ushuaia in the far south. However, the largest concentration is  in La Plata. Those who could make it were planning a Sunday gathering that I was looking forward to.

Scenes from Modelo restaurant - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Left: Modelo, where the author and friends enjoyed several meals or snacks. Right: The Modelo wall logo including, as Carlos pointed out, a figure resembling Meher Baba, and also Baba’s birth year!

Carlos and Pablo constantly referred to a place they called “the temple in the forest,” promising to take me there. I had no idea what they were talking about.

“The temple in the forest”

Pablo had to leave for an engagement elsewhere. Carlos and I set out on foot to tour his hometown. Our walk centred on a lovely green area named Saavedra Park, which contained the zoo, botanical garden, and natural history museum.

We passed an elderly couple cooking choripan sausages on a grill. My stomach suddenly refused to go any further. I bought one and ingested it as we continued our stroll. I can scarcely recall a sandwich so satisfying!

Chorizo sausage sandwich - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

A chorizo sausage sandwich, exactly like the one bought from the elderly couple.

Suddenly, I heard a rumble in the distance. It grew louder as we walked. Finally, we stood before the back wall of a large stadium whose exterior was painted light blue.

Grazing in a grassy grove across the street from the structure were about a dozen police horses. Over by the street were a number of camouflaged officers. Far to the left, I realized with some consternation, were about twenty riot police with combat shields and helmets. Some carried what I believe were automatic rifles.Group of horses grazing on grass - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine cityThe rumble erupted once again. It came from inside the stadium. The fans of one of the teams playing futbol (soccer) inside made it sound as if the game were war! The police presence around us made it look that way, too, although the officers were laughing and joking.

“Here it is!” said Carlos. “The temple in the forest!” He went on to explain that his favorite team, Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata, was engaged in a battle with their rival local club, Estudiantes de La Plata. Here are two short videos of the scene:

Saturday evening explorations

La Plata street with outlet shops - The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Shops along Calle 12, a busy commercial street in La Plata.

Back at the hotel, I had my usual bath and nap. I woke at around 5 p.m., full of energy. Picking up my walking stick, I went outside to the corner, turned right and decided to just keep walking along that street, so as not to get lost.

After five or so blocks, I found myself alongside a park-like square similar to the one by the hotel. This one had an enormous Gothic church—quite unusual for Latin America—at one end.

Far across the green, I saw many white tents. An amplified voice, like a circus ringmaster’s, blared from that direction. I imagined a political rally, and did not interrupt my walk.

At the far end of this plaza, I crossed a very busy commercial street. Many of its shops seemed to be outlet-style clothing stores. I wasn’t looking for clothes, but turned anyway. The late Saturday-afternoon bustle felt promising. Perhaps I’d find a branch of the Havanna coffeehouse chain that Carlos and I had patronized in Buenos Aires.

Accessories laid out at outlet shop - The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

The wares of street merchants line the sidewalks outside the shops along Calle 12.

Eventually, unable to find one, I sat down at an outdoor table at another café. After having a tarta and a drink, I started back toward the hotel. Thinking my “night out” had all but ended, I was about to discover it had scarcely begun!

Peru Vive!

Catedral Metropolitana de La Plata at Plaza Moreno - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Catedral Metropolitana de La Plata at Plaza Moreno.

It was dark when I got back to Plaza Moreno, the big square with the church. I could hear the same tacky announcer’s voice booming from down by the white tents.

Then the voice stopped. I heard African drums! Maybe it wasn’t a political rally or children’s event. I felt tired, but my inner voice kept saying, “This trip is for discovery! You might be missing something wonderful!”

As I veered over to that corner of the plaza, a large stage came into view. Several hundred people were standing in front of it. The drums, which had stopped, started up again, adding recorded music this time. A group of colourfully attired young women sambaed onto the stage. They were good! I stayed and watched their whole performance.Samba dancers - The personal" touch" in a big Argentine cityThe emcee returned and announced another group. This time, the instrumental music included flutes. The skillful dancers were arrayed in all the colours of the rainbow!

After watching several acts, I began strolling around the tent area. I learned from a sign that I was at the Peru Vive! festival. The booths featured a wide variety of Peruvian foods and crafts.

Many, many Peruvians live in Argentina, it turns out. I myself would be going to Peru in several days, and this preview excited me!

Four images from Vive Peru festival - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Top left: A Dad and a craftsperson lovingly attend to a little girl. Top right: The two comic emcees, who sounded a bit like used car salesmen, though the acts they introduced were of high quality. Bottom left: The colourful logo of the “Peru Vive!” festival. Bottom right: Part of the crowd near the stage. In the background is the Cathedral. Some white booth-tents can also be seen.

A Sunday family gathering

It’s easy to lose track of days of the week while travelling. However, Sunday morning is usually pretty obvious. Nearly everywhere, things get going a good deal later.

Corregidor Hotel restaurant - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Corregidor Hotel restaurant. Daily breakfast buffet came with the room.

I rose early as usual and had breakfast in the Corregidor dining room. When I went outside, the streets were nearly deserted. I took a long walk in the all-but-unknown, still sleeping city.

Above: an impromptu video of the author singing a verse of Kristofferson’s “Sunday Morning Comin’ Down” on the La Plata streets.

Back at the hotel, Carlos picked me up in a taxi at noon. His sister was having a family lunch in honour of my visit!

Sunday feast with Carlos family - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Sunday feast at Carlos’ sister Gabriela’s: Left to right, Carlos, Eugenio (cousin Eduardo’s elder son), sister Gabriela, sister Marina, cousin Eleonora, nephew Juan Tomás and niece Clara (Gabriela’s twins).

That magic of true hospitality manifests when you’re with someone’s family and you feel like it’s your own. That’s what happened. Gabriela was a gracious, cultured host.

I felt connected to everyone. Juan Tomas is interested in designing video games. He was excited to hear that my stepson Victor had worked for Electronic Arts in the San Francisco Bay area. Clara had recently returned from a year in Great Britain. Her English skills were excellent and helpful. Marina is a professor of Art, and so we had things to share about that subject.

And the food! Simple jimon y queso con pan y panecillos (ham and cheese with bread and rolls) never tasted so heavenly, nor did empanadas. Then came the desserts.Delicious desserts - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Another kind of family gathering!

La Plata Meher Baba gathering - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Left: Meher Baba’s picture on Marcela’s table. Right: “Authorized” group photo! Nicholas, Pablo, the author, Carlos, Marcela, Juan.

After a couple hours’ rest back at the hotel, Pablo picked me up and we drove to get Carlos. He brought with him a special box containing a Sadra (gown) that the God-Man, Meher Baba, had worn. Baba’s sister Mani had given it to Eduardo Nunez, who later passed it on to Carlos.

Eduardo Nunez - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

The late Eduardo Nunez, AKA “Qui Qui,” in India with Eruch Jessawala, one of Baba’s closest mandali, (disciples). Eduardo was the first Argentine “Baba-lover.”

The get-together took place at the home of a devotee named Marcela. The photos of Baba, the art,  the spread of Argentine bread, wine and cheese, and the arriving “Baba-lovers” (even though several people were unable to make it) created a lovely atmosphere.Snacking and talking at Baba get-together - "The personal" touch" in a big Argentine cityAfter an hour or so of snacking and conversation, facilitated by both Carlos’ and Marcela’s bilingual skills, the guitar began making its rounds. Nearly everyone took a turn singing, and in most cases, playing guitar as well. It was almost as I’d imagined an Argentine Baba get-together: intoxicating music, food, drink and company.

Mate drink - The personal" touch" in a big Argentine city

Yerba Mate, Argentina‘s national drink.

As we took turns doing music, the yerba mate began making rounds of the table. People took turns sipping Argentina’s national drink through the traditional metal straw. I’m a mate drinker, myself, but unlike my Argentine friends, I add milk and sweetener.

Still, I wanted to take part in the tribal ritual. When the thermos came my way, I took a pull; but only during the first round. The blend was indeed a bit strong for my taste.

After a day overflowing with joy, Nicholas drove me back to the hotel. I slept the sleep of the grateful. Two and a half days of adventure in La Plata remained, and then—on to visit my friend Claire in the Peruvian Amazon region.

This last week-long leg of my trip would be a little different. I would be staying not in a hotel, but in a grass lodge run by a working shaman.

This travel-writer was on the move for weeks! To read about where he went previously, visit FIRST (AND LAST) TANGO IN BUENOS AIRES: Travels in Latin America [Part 6]»

To start at the beginning of the series, visit THE WONDERS OF OAXACA: Travels in Latin America [Part 1]»

image 8: Wikimedia Commons

THE PHILOSOPHY OF BYUNG-CHUL HAN: Relax. Do nothing. Become no one.

The French philosopher Gilles Deleuze once said: “There is no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons.”

‘Weapons’ may give us the wrong associations, but what he refers to are concepts that, like a brick, can be used to destroy what is hindering the growth of our lives, and at the same time, help us build or create something sustainable.

The Burnout Society

man with head in handsThe Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han’s work can be seen a toolbox aimed at helping us understand our contemporary society, while also presenting us with concrete ideas, thoughts or ‘weapons’ that might help us overcome or resist our own weak desires and vanities.

Han was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1959. He studied metallurgy in Korea before moving to Germany in his early twenties to study philosophy, German and theology. Today, Han is a professor at the University der Künste in Berlin. His initial fame sprang up with the publication of his book Mudigkeitsgelsselhaft (2010), which, directly translated, means ‘the fatigue society.’ In English, this was cleverly translated to The Burnout Society (2015).

Han’s thesis is that today’s neoliberalism has made politics psychological or mental. The logic of neoliberalism has invaded our minds. It’s our ability to be present in our lives, to think and to love that is threatened by this invasion. Neoliberalism—for many, at least—has become an uninvited guest that refuses to leave our minds.

Han declares, in all of his work, that we have become narcissistic. For this reason, it’s time for citizens to care more about society’s welfare than their own egos. “Responsibility for the community defines citizens. Consumers lack responsibility, above all,” Han writes in his 2018 book, In the Swarm: Digital Prospects. The result of this narcissistic development is well-known: stress, burnout and depression. “Depression is a narcissistic malady,” Han states in The Agony of Eros (2017).

Eros or love is the only thing that may conquer our contemporary depression. As Han writes, “Depression represents the impossibility of love.”

Experiencing sublime beauty hurts

boat on lake at sunriseStill, it’s difficult to love, because we are not really free. It’s not just that society pressures us to fit in, perform faster and achieve more, but rather that we ourselves want this. We try to appear as positive, smooth and shiny in public as possible, as if our lives are all made up of ‘good vibes.’

In 2017’s Saving beauty, Han writes: “The smooth is the signature of the present time.” This kind of smoothness, he continues, “connects the sculptures of Jeff Koons, iPhones and Brazilian waxing.”

Our lives tend to circle around ourselves, making the circle smaller and smaller as we Google ourselves into unconsciousness.

Today, smoothness and waxed bodies, quite sadly, are seen as the same thing as beauty. The morale behind this is clear: Smooth, smoother, smoothest = good, better, best. All that is strange, secret, or negative—in other words, all that passes through our thoughts—disappears, due to the ongoing repetition of sameness.

We lack a critical yet creative and life-affirming approach to overcoming this confinement. When we avoid the negative, the difficult and the painful, we amputate life. Our lives tend to circle around ourselves, making the circle smaller and smaller as we Google ourselves into unconsciousness.

To contrast this shallow development, Han turns to the writings of Plato, Kant, Hegel and Heidegger, in which there is no distinction between beauty and the sublime. Experiencing sublime beauty is not supposed to be pleasurable; rather, it hurts. It makes you fall and stumble. It is similar to falling in love, because you can lose yourself and act rather stupid.

“The sight of beauty does not cause pleasure, but shocks,” Han stresses in Saving beauty. It’s the matter of experiencing our own fragility that contemporary society minimizes. Art can shake us, make us see the world differently and help us perceive our own limitedness and flaws. “The longing for beauty,” Han says, “is ultimately the longing for a different mode of being, for another, altogether non-violent form of life.”

The strength of Han’s analysis lies in how he uses two guiding concepts in all his books: freedom and power. They both encapsulate the problem with contemporary society and can also open us up to alternative ways of living our lives.

Truth is freedom

statue - justice and truthFreedom is both a problem and a possibility. It is becoming, emphasizing that we become by combining courage to stand up against dominating ideals and norms with the belief that things could be different. Freedom is found in becoming whatever disobeying those ideals enables us to become. Real freedom is socially anchored, and as Han says in Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power (2017): “Freedom is a synonym for the community that succeeds.”

By making freedom social, he tries to relate it with truth. Perhaps this is where Han shows how courageous he is, by reintroducing the problematic concept of truth in philosophy. In Saving beauty, he speaks about the need to save beauty. Why? Because, as he writes: “Beauty promises freedom and reconciliation,” and “truth is freedom.”

In other words, a world of smoothness is false. It’s a world of ‘post-truth.’ For Han, the beautiful is both true and good; it’s almost as though the Korean philosopher is turning Platonic. And he is—at least in the way that the French philosopher Alain Badiou is Platonic.

In both Saving beauty and The Agony of Eros, Han ends up advocating for Badiou’s idea that the task of philosophy is to be loyal or faithful towards whatever binds us together (what is true, in other words). Han distinguishes himself from Badiou when he more practically shows why or how we can show fidelity to what really takes place in our lives.

Fidelity is unconditional in that it presupposes commitment and awareness. That means we should try to become capable of matching all parts of life, instead of just doing so when life is pleasurable and smooth.

“The saving of beauty is the saving of that which commits us.” This loyal commitment or involvement is related to the kind of awareness that mindfulness cultivates, as a non-judgmental and kind approach to what is happening now and here.

Without humour, no freedom. Without freedom, no love.

laughing man on benchHan also uses his Eastern roots in his philosophical thinking. Back in 2002, when he was still an unknown, he published a book called The Philosophy of Zen-Buddhism.

In this book, he illustrates that the Buddhist concept of ‘nothingness’—as the absence of an exclusive subjectivity—is what makes Buddhism pacifistic and non-violent, because there is no essence where power can be concentrated. Also, the concept of ‘emptiness’ is the reason why narcissism is something very un-Buddhist. There is no unchangeable ‘me’ in the mirror; rather, I am being formed by life.

The Korean thinker also illustrates that humour is something that links Western and Eastern philosophy. Nietzsche, for example, claimed that laughing was an expression of freedom. The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once said that “freedom is the element of love,” so it follows that without humour, there’s no freedom, and without freedom, there’s no love. Or to put it differently, it’s difficult to love people who never laugh, or take themselves too seriously.

In Buddhism, Han writes, there is no miracle, only hard daily work: Letting go of the past and not transcending or dreaming of a world beyond this one. He compares Buddhism with walking. Walking has no future, as you’re always in the midst of walking. To die means to walk, he says, emphasizing that we are always dying. Similarly, Michel de Montaigne said that to philosophize is to die.

‘Dying’ means always walking, philosophizing, exploring and experimenting with life, not as a way of meeting a specific objective, but as a way of being grounded in the here and now. Western and Eastern philosophy, I believe, share this humble approach to life. We never philosophize or meditate to conquer the world, but to praise its beauty.

Listening as an art of breathing

sculpture art men listening at wallMany Eastern ideas are reflected in Han’s suggestions for how to overcome today’s stress, burnout, exhaustion and ever-growing narcissism. For instance, in The Burnout Society, he encourages us to stop, sit down and take a break. Philosophy is here defined as ‘an intervening time,’ ‘a time of ‘non-doing,’ ‘a peace time,’ as he calls it.

To be creative, a person needs to stop and allow themselves to be formed or touched by what is happening as it happens, in the here and now.

The concept of ‘non-doing’ resembles elements of Buddhism and mindfulness in that it stresses that we don’t need to be doing things constantly, Rather, non-doing allows things to unfold at their own pace.

Similarly, in The Transparency Society (2015), Han proposes that although we are forced or coerced into participating in an ongoing style of positive communication—declaring, “I like,” over and over, again and again—we don’t have to like everything. It’s not more communication that is needed, but creative or alternative approaches to living a richer life. To be creative, a person needs to stop and allow themselves to be formed or touched by what is happening as it happens, in the here and now, without judging it according to some predefined ideal.

A last example is provided in Psychopolitics, in which Han he reawakens the ‘philosophical idiot’ as a way out of today’s malady. The idiot doesn’t belong to a specific network or alliances, so he or she is free to choose. The idiot doesn’t communicate; instead, he or she facilitates a space of silence and loneliness, where they only say what deserves to be said. The idiot listens, as a generous way of stepping aside to give room to the others.

“The art of listening takes place as an art of breathing,” Han writes in The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception and Communication Today (2018).

For philosophers and non-philosophers alike

Han’s work is accessible for non-philosophers, and is a good guide to understanding and navigating oneself through today’s demanding, achievement-based society. He encourages us to Relax. Do nothing. Become no one. See time as something peaceful.

Time passes, whether we want it or not. Then it returns and changes everything. Let go. Listen. Embrace moments of non-communication. And breathe.

«RELATED READ» MINIMALIST LIVING: A meditative practice that goes beyond owning less»

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Receiving Activations of Light

Integrating and Embodying Ascension Light

Integrate and embody ascension light... Click to learn a simple process for receiving and integrating higher levels of light and ascension energy now. A new stream of ascension energy and Divine light frequency is here!

With new and higher levels of light emerging from within the Earth, broadcast through the Great Central Sun, and opening within you!

This means there’s an opportunity…

To activate your light body in a new way and align with the highest possibilities for your life in the physical now…

Are you ready to open and integrate new levels of your Divine Light codes?

This serves to activate your highest embodiment within your physical being, and reconnects you with your innate gifts, soul passions, and really, with your most radiant life!

So… To receive the light upgrades…

To experience the activations, and to truly use this energy surge to increase your radiance…

Create an opening for higher light in your life … By making time to enter inward!

Process for Receiving Activations of Light

channeled by Melanie Beckler set to the meditative music of Thaddeus


Breathe, relax and tune into the light already shining within you…

Receiving Activations of Light

Turn your attention inward to consciously tune into, feel and bask in the light already brightly shining within your heart center…

As you simply feel and experience your inner light within your heart, call forth an elevated positive emotion within you!

Focus on the sheer joy of creation…

On incredible gratitude for being alive.

Focus on what it would feel like for your deepest dreams and for the highest and most vibrant possibilities for your life to be made manifest.

Really feel this within your heart center. Opening your heart and allowing your heart light to expand in 365 degrees around you!

Call forth from the infinite an elevated feeling of gratitude, joy, presence, and love.

And allow your heart light to expand.

See, feel, hear, know, and experience your heart light brightly shining within in a very real and very powerful way.

And know that focusing on the light in this way allows it to expand and calls even more forth!

Let your energy open and expand as you now imagine you’re breathing light in from 365° all around you.

Allow the light to fill your surroundings, fill your aura and light you up from the inside out…

Imagine, call forth and experience the light flowing into, waking up and illuminating your every cell!

Shine as the light being you are!

Let your vibration lift, and allow an entirely new level of your light emerge.

Bask in the light of your open heart.

Now feel your heart light flowing down…

Traveling down through the layers of the Earth all the way to the core.

Connect with the healing, nurturing, wise, and empowering light of Gaia Mother Earth.

Send your love and blessing to the Earth…

And receive the healing, love, and light of the Earth that will most serve…

Allowing the Earth energy to flow up in through the bottom of your feet, up along your spinal column…

Filling your entire core with incredible life force energy… Golden Divine Light.

Now once again tuning into your heart center…

Allow your energy to flow upwards…

Up out the crown chakra at the top of your head…

Up through your Soul Star chakra… Up into the light.

Up above the light, above the realms of angels, up into the Cosmos, up through stars, and galaxies…

Up into direct presence with Source.

Feel your connection with Source, God, All That Is.

Receiving whatever it is you most need now…

As you simply bask in the light of the infinite, the light of Source.

And now allow this light to flow down…

In a brilliant pillar of Divine light.

Lighting up your Ascension Column… Your Ascension Pillar…

A brilliant pillar of Divine light that is all around you… within you… Reaching up into direct oneness with Source… And reaching down into direct oneness with


You at the center…

Your heart open…

Shining with light.

Breathe in and feel your energy flowing upward… Uniting with Source, the Infinite, All That Is.

And as you exhale feel your energy grounding… Flowing down… United with Gaia, Earth, and all of life.


And feel the light within and all around you.

Be the light.

Be the lightbeing you are.

The bridge between Heaven and Earth. The Rainbow Bridge fully awakened through love, gratitude and presence…

Allow your light to shine…

And now send forth the blessings of joy, love, gratitude, true fulfillment, radiant light and infinite possibility towards humanity, towards the Earth, towards your family, friends and acquaintances…

Flow forth love, light, gratitude, peace and wellness out into the infinite to reach, bless and uplift All That Is.
Reconnecting with the grids of crystalline light flowing throughout Creation…

Reconnect with the new streams of light consciousness flowing into this present moment here and now.

And allow the light in.

Let it light up your heart, inspire your mind, clear your energy and activate the highest levels as to what is truly possible for you on your ascension path, and in your life…

Experience what is really possible for you to be, embody and experience and feel gratitude for it in this very moment here and now!

The light is here, but it’s up to you to choose it, to consciously attune your energy to the higher levels, and to allow your next levels of light and embodiment in.

… And when you do, know that you will certainly begin to see affirmation of this within and around you.As your light shines bright and flows forth ripples of blessing and positive energy to benefit all!

And so it is.

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler



P.S. For further receiving and integrating new levels of ascension light…

Check out The Angel Solution where you have full access to all the newest Angelic Activations and channeled meditations designed to serve you in embodying your highest light now!

Getting to Know Your Oracle Cards – The Interview Spread

Have You Interviewed Your Oracle Cards Yet?

Ready to get to know your Oracle Cards and empower more accurate readings? You’re about to learn how to Interview your Oracle Cards which will help you to more deeply connect with them!

Have you interviewed your Oracle Cards?The biggest factor for receiving clear, accurate and detailed guidance using Oracle Cards is, of course, your direct connection with Spirit.

You have to be willing to become fully present and open to Spirit to really tune into that level of consciousness and awareness.

But interestingly…

Really feeling attuned and connected to your deck of Oracle Cards is immensely supportive too!

So… How do you get to know your Oracle Cards?

When you start working with a new deck, or if you want to rekindle your relationship with an existing deck, I have a few helpful hints for you including a powerful Oracle Card Spread you can use to interview your deck!

Getting to Know Your Oracle Cards

Getting to Know Your Oracle CardsBefore we dive into interviewing your Oracle Cards, it is important to begin by cleansing them!

There are many different ways to cleanse your cards, which I’ve written all about here:

Learn 7 Ways to Cleanse Oracle Cards Here

I personally like cleanse new decks by smudging them with sage, and then consciously calling forth the angels and the light to cleanse the cards and raise their vibration.

While cleansing your cards is a required step… There are many ways to do it, so find what feels right and works for you!

Once you’ve cleansed your cards… It’s helpful to then start getting a feel for the deck.

I like to begin by holding the deck in my hands and flipping through the cards, gazing into every image, reading the card titles and really just feeling into the vibration and energy of the deck as a whole.

As you do, this, pay attention to cards that really speak to you, themes that jump out at you, as well as your general intuitive feelings around the deck as a whole. You don’t need to draw any conclusions, or look for anything specific here… Just take some time to play with your cards and start tuning into the magic and frequency they’re here to help you access!

Interviewing Your Oracle Cards

Uncover the secret to develop your intuition and receive direct angelic guidanceWhen you’re ready to dive in, shuffle your cards, and complete your first Oracle Card Reading with your new deck… An interview spread is a wonderful place to begin.

I actually learned about the idea of an Interview Spread on Pinterest … There are quite a few variations and while I couldn’t seem to find the original source, I can say, this is a wonderful way to get to know your deck!

Completing an interview reading is essentially just about engaging in a conversation with your deck. All decks are different in their perspective, strengths and focus… The interview spread is a great way to gain insight into what your deck is here to help you with, what its strengths are, and how you can best work together!

I’ve tried many variations of this reading by interviewing all my Oracle Card Decks… And this is the spread I’m most resonating with now.

The Interview Spread

Interview Spread for Getting to Know Your Oracle Cards!

  1. Tell me about your energy… What energy do you shine and vibrate with?
  2. What are your strengths as a deck?
  3. What are you here to support me with and teach me?
  4. What do you ask of me in working together?
  5. How can I best work with you? How can we successfully collaborate?
  6. What is the potential outcome of our working together?
  7. What else do I need to know about you or about tuning into guidance from Spirit together?

The Interview Spread is a lovely way to get to know your deck and to gain insight into how you can best work with it to empower others and receive clear and accurate intuitive guidance for you!

Have you tried this spread? Comment below and let me know how it goes!

Want further assistance receiving clear and accurate guidance using Oracle Cards?

Check out my Angel Intuition Course here!

With love and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler




P.S. This article features images from the Ascension Angel Cards

Oracle of the Angels – Healing Imagery of the Angelic Realm

Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay

Oracle of the Angels - Angel Card Deck ReviewI recently purchased a new deck of Angel Oracle Cards that just shines with light, magic, and angelic energy. Honestly, it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite decks of Angel Cards…


Let’s dive into the Oracle of the Angels!

Oracle of the Angels Review

The Oracle of the Angels is a 44-card deck both written and illustrated by Mario Duguay.

This deck has an incredible angelic energy and for me, the most noteworthy thing about it is the absolutely vibrant artwork!

Each of the 44 card images really shines with light and angelic energy, and every illustration is rich with detail and symbolism.

I LOVE how detailed and symbolic the card images are because this makes the deck perfect to use for completing Intuitive Angel Card Readings without looking up the cards meaning in the guidebook… Which is how I prefer to read Angel Cards.

When you consciously approach this deck with an open heart and with the clear intention to connect with guidance, love, and insight from your team of guides and angels directly…

These cards can become a tremendous ally for tuning right into the divine guidance, love and profound wisdom you have access to within!

Oracle of the Angels Images:

Oracle of the Angels - Oracle Card Images

Beautiful Oracle of the Angels Deck

Look inside The Oracle Of The Angels Oracle Cards

The Oracle of the Angels Guidebook

The Oracle of the Angels comes neatly packaged in a small cardboard box with a small accompanying guidebook. The guidebook covers basic information on how to use the cards and it has some interesting oracle card spreads along with a short description of meaning for each of the 44 cards.

With each of the short (3-4 sentence) card descriptions, the guidebook also reveals a supportive affirmation to help you open the door to receiving greater love and divine wisdom.

For example… The I Am Beautiful Card includes this short affirmation in the guidebook:

“I am beautiful. My light brings hope to those around me. My smile makes the world brighter.”

Honestly, most of the guidebook descriptions sort of miss for me…

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It’s not that they’re wrong or anything like that… They just didn’t really connect with me in a deep way.

However, because the artwork is so profoundly revealing, with deep symbolic imagery, and beautiful little details… I don’t mind the limitations of the guidebook at all, and I am more than happy to read the cards based on intuition alone.

As I mentioned above, I favor decks that can be read on intuition without needing to glance at the guidebook, and this one certainly does that.

Learn more about how to open to reading Angel Cards Intuitively for yourself here!

That being said, if you are a complete beginner when it comes to opening your intuition and reading Angel Cards, the guidebook does offer the short explanation which can serve as an additional intuitive trigger above and beyond the symbolic and detailed artwork and the card title printed each card.

This is the perfect deck for learning to receive deeper intuitive guidance, insights and healing directly from Spirit.

Angelic Themes of Love, Expansion and Divine Wisdom

This deck really is uplifting, light-filled, and angelic in every sense.

The card titles include names like:

Blessing Angel Card from the Oracle of the Angels... Read the full review of this deck here.

Moving Towards the Light
Positive Intention
Inner Peace
A Door to the Infinite
Inner Child
Here and Now
Infinite Potential
Believe In Your Dreams

… and more!

Oracle of the Angels - Oracle Card DeckIs This A Good Oracle Card Deck For You?

If you’re interested in a deck that supports you in connecting with angelic energy, developing your intuition and tuning into the Divine love and magic within all around you… I would absolutely add this deck to your collection. ?

When it comes to Oracle Cards… There are some that just have a special spark of magic, light and angelic energy… And for me, this is absolutely one of those decks!

You can find the Oracle of the Angels on Amazon

Be sure to get the version by Mario Duguay linked to above, as there is another deck with this same title.

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler




P.S. Have you experienced this deck? Comment below and let me know what you think!

A Simple Autumnal Equinox Ritual

Celebrate the Autumn Equinox!

Celebrating the Autumn EquinoxFor eons, cultures around the world have honored and celebrated the changing of the seasons including the point of time that is the Autumnal Equinox!

The Autumnal Equinox is of course when the wheel of the year turns from summer into fall.

Learn more about The Wheel of the Year… Or the Spiritual meaning of the Equinox.

With the Fall Equinox, it’s not only the weather that’s changing… But also, our own personal lives, activities, and plans. We’ll likely now spend more time indoors with family, and with ourselves.

With the weather going colder outside, we’re encouraged to turn inward. This is where we can face our hidden doubts and fears … And through reflection, and healing we can embrace and cultivate our highest authenticity, aspirations, and dreams.

Many different ancient cultures had powerful ceremonies, rituals, and feasts to honor and celebrate the Equinox…

So how do we honor this powerful time of the Autumnal Equinox and tap into the blessings and opportunities it presents us now?

A Simple Autumn Equinox Ritual

Autumn Equinox Ritual

Celebrate your authenticity, reconnect with your inner light, and cultivate a powerful sense of balance and presence during the Autumn Equinox with this simple ritual!

This can be modified to be used in both Fall and Spring, or to celebrate wherever you are in your soul journey through life.

A formal ritual or ceremony is not required, but it can help you to adjust to the changes happening within and around you. It marks the end of one season and the beginning of the next!

Set the Stage for Your Equinox Ritual

Find a peaceful, quiet space to take some time to celebrate the Equinox…

You may also want to create a little Equinox altar to “set the stage”…

Create an Autumnal Equinox Altar

An Equinox altar is just essentially a sacred space you create that’s representative of your connection with the Divine, with nature, and with your inner light.

To create an Equinox altar, find a special place to decorate with colors representative of fall, balance, and harvest.

Incorporate symbols of fall found in nature (like pinecones, fall leaves, and a pumpkin, squash or gourd).

You may also want to include something to represent each of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, ether.

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Crystals, incense, fall essential oils, and anything else that is high vibrational and inspiring to you is a great addition to your sacred space!

Remember that the Equinox is a time of celebration, balance, and gratitude. Create your altar in a way that personally reflects this for you to help you to celebrate the new season of life you’re stepping into.

Getting Started

Light some candles, burn some sage or diffuse an essential oil to begin.

Call in the presence of your personal team of guides, angels, and Ascended Masters of the Light.

Put on some relaxing music or listen to High Vibration Meditation…

The brand new Downloads of Divine Consciousness Series is Divinely designed to support you right here and now!

Breathe, relax, fully enter into the present moment… And focus your awareness inward.

If you’re not listening to a guided meditation… Go through every part of your body, feeling yourself filling up with light and deeply relaxing.

Imagine light all around you. Breathe it in and feel your inner light is growing crisper and more vibrant.

Breathe light into each and every cell as your vibration raises, and you become enveloped in light and love.

Just breathe, relax, and be…

Enjoy connecting with your light, with your team of guides and angels, and enjoy the magic of tuning into the infinite possibility available to you right here and now.

After your meditation…

Take some time to reflect on the cycle of growth that is coming to a culmination now.

Internal development is one of the core Autumnal themes, and a great way to honor this is through reflection and journaling.

Journal Prompts for the Autumn EquinoxJournal Prompts For the Autumn Equinox

Write out the following questions and answers in your journal.

What were the intentions you set this past spring?
What did you do to cultivate them?
How are those intentions manifesting now?
What are you harvesting in your life now?
Were these the wisest seeds you could have sown?

What challenges appeared for you in this last cycle?
How did you navigate through them?
What could you have done differently?

What can you change now to stay in greater love, peace, and balance?

Release Into The Light

While writing out the answers to the above questions… Pay attention to how you feel.

If strong emotions, fear, or sadness arises… Love what appears!

Meet your feelings with honesty, love, and compassion…

And then be willing to forgive, release, and let go.

Make Three Lists


Put into writing three lists of things.

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  1. The things you are grateful for in your life. These are things that will be renewed, replenished, and enhanced as you move forward.
  2. Write down the things you want to call forth in your life. What do you want to create and manifest? These are your highest intentions moving forward and can be anything from new levels of authenticity, spiritual gifts, exciting new opportunities, prosperity, and abundance, or new levels of joy, peace, and inspiring creative ideas.
  3. Write down the things you’re willing to let go of to create space for your dreams. What do you want to release from your life to make space for the new? Think- Fears, doubts, insecurities, and limiting patterns.

Thank your team for their ongoing love, guidance, and support in your life.

And then… Keep the celebration going!

Blow out your candles, make a warm mug of tea

Or even better, cook up a healthy Equinox feast!

Healthy Fall Equinox Feast

Celebrate autumn equinox will a fall harvest feast. I love kicking off the start of fall with something like a warm and hearty veggie stew, roasted squash or a comforting potato leek soup (vegan version of course) …

What is both healthy, nourishing, and tasty that just screams Autumn? Go with that!

Crisp apples, fresh figs, pears, nuts, pomegranates, squash, sweet potatoes, beets, and pumpkins… Just typing that has me excited about the many delicious flavors of fall!

While you’re prepping or cooking, and before you eat, imagine your meal completely filled with the most vibrant light!

(Or snack… You can totally do this with just an apple or pear)

Set the intention for your meal to nourish and support you in heading into the new season renewed, refreshed,  filled with vitality, and connected to your highest level of light!


With love and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler



Equinox Spiritual Meaning

Spiritual Significance of the Spring and Autumn Equinox

Equinox Spiritual MeaningThe Sun is both the source of light and life on Earth, and the Equinox and Solstice are the turning points in the solar cycle of the seasons. (Learn more about the Solstice here).

Equinoxes happen every year on approximately March 20th and September 21nd, when the Sun’s rays shine directly on the Equator.

During these two points of the year, the tilt of the Earth in its rotational orbit is in a straight alignment with the Sun. The sun crosses the celestial equator and we experience balanced day and night, and light and dark.

With this, there is an incredible balance created, and all over the planet, day and night are approximately equal. Masculine and feminine are balanced, and the playing field is level for all.

Depending on what Hemisphere you’re in, and the time of year, the Equinox marks the entrance into either Spring or Autumn.

With the Spring Equinox, the light of day begins to grow longer heading towards the Summer Solstice. With the Autumn Equinox, the days begin to grow shorter heading towards Winter.

The Spiritual Significance of the Equinoxes

The Equinox is a powerful time to tap into the wisdom of the Earth, the light of the Sun, and your profound connection with Source, and the entire Cosmos.

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 “In the Yogic tradition, the Equinox is seen as a day when one has the best possibilities of transcending the limitations and compulsions of one’s physical longings.” ~Sadhguru 

Ancient cultures and traditions around the world honored the cycle of the seasons, placing a key emphasis on these turning points of Solstices and Equinoxes.

The entire journey the Earth makes around the Sun represents the cycles of light and darkness, as well as death, life, and rebirth.

Equinox Energy is An Ascension Trigger

Equinox and an Ascension TriggerThe Equinox energy is essentially an ascension trigger; for humanity and the planet!

With each passing Equinox, a new wave of balance, light and an opportunity to transcend illusion and step into more of our authentic truth and soul light emerges.

“There is an opening, an energy gate, and there will be more. This is a part of restoring the divine blueprint for your world… Peaking on the progressing equinoxes, the crystalline energies that have lain dormant for so long are being activated.” ~Archangel Metatron

Read or listen to this full channeling with Metatron on Crystalline Energy as an Ascension Trigger here.

You don’t have to consciously tune into the Equinox energies and consciously integrate them into your life, but there is so much power in doing so!

During the equinox, the crystalline energy of light will be available for you to download, by tuning into your heart, allowing… and when you do a divine realignment, cleanse, and connection to your path and life’s purpose will occur.

This is a powerful and sacred time for you to identify the intentions you truly desire to manifest in your physical life on Earth, and on your spiritual ascension path.

Let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts, and fears, and allow yourself to imagine being truly connected to your true power, light, and ability to create blessings, joy, and love in your life.

What have you wanted in life and not believed to be possible or dared to go after?

Now is the time to look within and to remember your authentic desires… And then to plant new seeds and ideas about what is possible for you in this life.

Each Equinox and Solstice in procession continues to build and increase in frequency.

Avoid being overwhelmed by this energy which can feel intense at times. It’s not the new levels of light that feel intense, but rather the release and letting go of the old. Intensity comes when we hold onto the past instead of freely letting it go.

Release into the light, return to love, and ride the Equinox waves of light and transformational change on the planet.

Here is a powerful Equinox channeled meditation to support you on and around the time of the Equinox, whether that happens to be Spring or Autumn.

Or get the brand new Equinox Downloads of Divine Consciousness Here! 

What Is the Difference Between the Spring and Fall Equinox?

Spring Equinox Meaning

Spring Equinox MeaningAh, spring! This season brings increased daylight, warming temperatures, and the visual rebirth of the flora and fauna of the Earth. Green buds begin to appear, birds chirp and flowers bloom… Growth and renewal are in the air.

Astrologically, this is the beginning of the tropical new year. It is a powerful time to reconsider what goals or wishes you would like to manifest in the coming days.

Spring cleaning is supported now, so let go of all that no longer serves you… spiritually, mentally, and physically! Let go, relax, and allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of the Earth around you.

The Spring Equinox is Mother Earth’s celebration of rebirth. Let the increased light bring inspiration to your spirit and your heart. Give yourself permission to celebrate this now! This is a time of balance and harmony. A moment of respite as the sun is centered between Northern and Southern Hemisphere and centered between earth and sky. This creates a sacred cross, offering to balance and harmonizing energy for our planet and for humanity.

This energy serves you. Tune into your heart… and to the awareness that you are connected to all that is. From this space, you have all that you need to heal, to grow… to witness miracles in your life.

Autumn Equinox Meaning

Autumn Equinox MeaningIt is with the Autumn Equinox that we begin to prepare for the darkness of winter that is to come. From this point, days now begin to grow shorter and nights get longer.

While this Equinox marks the point of diminishing sunlight, it is also a time of harvest where we celebrate all that has come to fruition in the bright light of summer.

It’s a time of facing our inner shadow, and the concepts of death, void, and blackness.

The Autumn Equinox is a powerful time to tune into gratitude, reflection and to prepare for winter where the beautiful opportunity to journey inward emerges from the cold and dark.

With Autumn Equinox, it’s a beautiful time to honor how far you’ve come and return to balance and presence before continuing onward in the journey through life.

For some Autumn inspiration, check out my Autumn Poem here!

Or enjoy this Autumnal Equinox Ritual!

Whether Spring or Fall, the balanced time on and around the Equinox aims to assist you in balancing your own life with the true desires of your heart. Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth.

Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth and stepping into a new level of your highest authenticity and soul light.

One of the key ways to support yourself in making this alignment is regular meditation, where you create coherence with your heart, mind, and the higher levels of light and Divine love. 

To gain access to all of my newest angel meditations and activations, be sure to check out The Angel Solution Membership!

Melanie Beckler


What You Seek Is Seeking You

What You Seek Is Seeking YouYou truly have access to all that you need…

Are you allowing yourself to access it?

Are you viewing the path before you through lenses of clarity, trust, and love?

Or are you seeing and perceiving roadblocks and limitations that in reality, aren’t really there?

This is your call…

To trust even more.

To trust the guidance that is within and all around you.

To trust that the full magic of creation wants to be seen, felt, experienced and fully revealed.


And then open your heart to tune into it.

Call in your team of guides, angels, and masters of love.

Call in support and guidance.

Ask for assistance!

And know that all is aligning for you to receive and experience in a more profound way than you have before…

The support and guidance…

The clarity, certainty and knowing about the next steps on your path and the next stage of your purpose.

Remember, the way through a challenge is always revealed… Though sometimes cloaked in a shroud of illusion.

This is your call and reminder that it is well within your ability to see through that.

See through illusion to witness the underlying love, harmony and crystalline coherence connecting all things.

Align with this crystalline path of geometric perfection.

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Bringing yourself into alignment with who you really are and with the most divinely guided and inspired possibilities for your life beginning to present themselves to you now.

Trust the process. Honor the journey, let love guide you and know that love opens the pathway for your higher levels of knowing, guidance, clarity and light too to shine through.

You have access to that which you yearn for.

You have more support, inspiration, wisdom, and guidance around you than you’ve yet to perceive.

Let yourself begin to look for it. Feel into it. Believe that what you seek is seeking you.

Let yourself trust, love, and tune in.

Remember that you’re far more than your physical body.

And you’re far more than your personal level of awareness and present perspective in this now.

Become the peace, presence, truth and openness you really are. What you seek is seeking you. And all you are being called to purge, heal, release, let go of and integrate opens the doorways of awareness for more of your embodied perspective…

Clears the pathways of love allowing your highest Divine Mastery and fully integrated multi-dimensional self to come into being.

And so as they arise, celebrate, honor and love the lower levels of illusion, emotion, pattern and belief that are revealed. For with awareness, the release has already been initiated.

With awareness, you are already set free, unshackled, and untied. Freed from the grip of illusion and reconnected with the higher levels of truth becoming available to you now.

The expanded awareness about who you are and all that is possible for you to now grow into, expand into, integrate and become.

Stepping into a higher level of your service and mission through simply being all that you are.

Living in greater alignment, harmony, and coherence with why you’re really here.

And so breathe and become aware…

Trust and let yourself know.

Open and set yourself free.

Step into your Mastery.

Claim your Divine levels of creative expression…

Your higher light and pure embodiment.

Become the love presence, peace, and openness you really are.

Melanie Beckler



Spiritual Presence and Integrating All That Is Available to You Now

Integrating Divine Light Through Spiritual Presence

Integrating Divine Light through Spiritual Presence

As you, present within space and time. continue to receive waves of ascension energy…

Cosmic Light…

And Divine Frequency…

Remember to allow yourself the space to integrate.

Integrating the higher Downloads of Divine Consciousness…

While purging and releasing your lower levels of emotion, limiting belief, and distortion that cannot occupy the same space as the higher expanded levels of frequency light and expanded awareness you are moving into.


Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into.

Spiritual Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into. Experience.


Expanded Awareness…

And all that on strands of light continues to stream in.

Presence in your body… You are meant to be the HUman being you are.

Presence in the moment… You are the focused multidimensional expression of the infinite, and you become aware of this timeless expression in each moment of presence.

Presence within your heart center…

The awakened Divine Light you carry within. Through tuning into this, and basking in this you are able to feel into the deep love and wisdom within and all around.

Being present with what arises… Metting what emerges in your inner or outer space with awareness and with love.

Through presence you learn the lessons, claim the blessings, and restore yourself as the bridge of light, you are.

Bridging spirit and physical.

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Bridging the limited awareness of the mind and the infinite.

Relax and open to be the clear conduit of Source Presence You Are.

Knowing that through your full embodiment you heal yourself, and heal all.

Across the lines of time, across time and space.

Remember the infinite healing energy, light, and frequency of Source is available to you in every moment, of awareness, presence and with your conscious choice to tune in.

To drop from the realm of mind, downward in awareness into your heart center.

To tune into the light glowing within and all around which when opened acts as a doorway, a magnet, a sacred portal for you to receive the light of the infinite, which you can now become aware of through your open-hearted, centered space.

Experience the DIvine Light, life- force energy infinite source presence streaming down upon you, lighting up your space in this moment here and now.

And now envision, imagine, feel, sense and experience your every cell looking up, lifting up, to receive the light, to allow the light to flood your entire being, to fill every cell, to flow into any areas of tension, pain…

To flow into any areas where trauma still resides.

To flush your cellular being, your physical being, to flush your mind, body, spirit, emotions, aura with Source Light.

Tune into the light.

Breathe it in.

Fill your body as you ground the light of the infinite into this moment here and now.

To be and breathe, expand and become…

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The being of light…

The being of love…

You are.

You are this in every moment, you are this across the lines of time.

Through presence, you tune in.

Claiming the opportunity presented to you now, to fully become all that you are.

Melanie Beckler