Find it difficult to cope with work stress? Meditation may be the answer, can boost emotional intelligence – Economic Times

NEW YORK: Finding it hard to cope with work-related stress? Take heart, practicing a silent form of
meditation at your workplace can lead to significant improvements in
emotional intelligence as well as perceived
stress, according to a study.

The study found that those who meditated more regularly scored higher on total emotional quotient and had lower perceived stress, also known as psychological stress — the most common occupational health problems affecting workers worldwide.

They also showed improvements in general mood, stress management, adaptability, intrapersonal awareness and reality testing.


This indicates that emotional intelligence has a moderating effect on psychological well-being and mental health, the researchers said.

“This study demonstrates the benefits of meditation in the workplace,” said Laurent Valosek, Executive Director, Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education — a US-based non-profit organisation.

“And with a growing body of research on the value of emotional intelligence and the harmful effects of psychological stress, organisations are looking to give their employees tools for reducing stress and developing competencies like centeredness, self-awareness, and empathy,” he added.

The study, published in the journal The Permanente Journal, included nearly 100 central office staffs.

Say Goodbye To Work Worries: 5 Natural Methods To Beat Stress

Simple Stress-Buster Hacks

19 Jul, 2018

A recent study by Optum found that 46% of the Indian workforce reports suffering from some form of stress.Don’t let your busy and stressful worklife take a toll on you. Excessive stress can have a negative effect on your body, mood, as well as behaviour, ranging from headaches, anxiety, fatigue and irritability.Dr Hariprasad, Ayurveda Expert at The Himalaya Drug Company, shares natural methods to cope with stress:

Eat Right

19 Jul, 2018

Your eating habits have a significant impact on stress levels. Following a balance of different foods and nutrients is essential. A diet rich in different food items such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, fish, and poultry would help you get carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals. A well-nourished body is better able to cope with the physical and emotional effects of stress.

Unwind With Physical Activity

19 Jul, 2018

All forms of physical activity are useful in managing stress. Exercising has many benefits like releasing endorphins and calming the mind, which in turn help in reducing stress levels. Even 45 minutes of physical activity a day goes a long way towards managing stress.

Organise Your Life

19 Jul, 2018

Organising one’s workload leads to a sense of control and peace of mind, and there are many ways to achieve this. One way to do this is through adopting time management, prioritising tasks, and scheduling tasks to complete them. Switching between tasks and having them pile up often becomes an additional source of stress. Decentralisation of tasks or asking for help as and when required is also a good way to reduce stress levels.

Use Herbs In Daily Diet

19 Jul, 2018

Herbs like Ashwagandha have been proven to be effective in managing the negative effects of stress. According to Ayurveda, Ashvagandha helps reduce the damaging effects of long-term stress by rejuvenating the mind and body. It is an adaptogen that helps the body stabilise physiological processes, support better resilience to stress, and maintain a healthy balance between various biological systems.

The team found that during a four-month period, those practicing the transcendental meditation — a form of silent mantra meditation — experienced significant improvements in emotional intelligence and perceived stress, as compared with controls.

The research highlighted the role of emotional intelligence and perceived stress as important factors associated with mental and physical health and organisational effectiveness.

According to the World Health Organization, psychological stress adversely affects organisational commitment, work engagement, and productivity, as well as contributes to poor mental and physical health.

Emotional intelligence has garnered considerable attention in the workplace because of its positive association with mental and physical health and its connection to leadership capacity and performance.