A Simple Autumnal Equinox Ritual

Celebrate the Autumn Equinox!

Celebrating the Autumn EquinoxFor eons, cultures around the world have honored and celebrated the changing of the seasons including the point of time that is the Autumnal Equinox!

The Autumnal Equinox is of course when the wheel of the year turns from summer into fall.

Learn more about The Wheel of the Year… Or the Spiritual meaning of the Equinox.

With the Fall Equinox, it’s not only the weather that’s changing… But also, our own personal lives, activities, and plans. We’ll likely now spend more time indoors with family, and with ourselves.

With the weather going colder outside, we’re encouraged to turn inward. This is where we can face our hidden doubts and fears … And through reflection, and healing we can embrace and cultivate our highest authenticity, aspirations, and dreams.

Many different ancient cultures had powerful ceremonies, rituals, and feasts to honor and celebrate the Equinox…

So how do we honor this powerful time of the Autumnal Equinox and tap into the blessings and opportunities it presents us now?

A Simple Autumn Equinox Ritual

Autumn Equinox Ritual

Celebrate your authenticity, reconnect with your inner light, and cultivate a powerful sense of balance and presence during the Autumn Equinox with this simple ritual!

This can be modified to be used in both Fall and Spring, or to celebrate wherever you are in your soul journey through life.

A formal ritual or ceremony is not required, but it can help you to adjust to the changes happening within and around you. It marks the end of one season and the beginning of the next!

Set the Stage for Your Equinox Ritual

Find a peaceful, quiet space to take some time to celebrate the Equinox…

You may also want to create a little Equinox altar to “set the stage”…

Create an Autumnal Equinox Altar

An Equinox altar is just essentially a sacred space you create that’s representative of your connection with the Divine, with nature, and with your inner light.

To create an Equinox altar, find a special place to decorate with colors representative of fall, balance, and harvest.

Incorporate symbols of fall found in nature (like pinecones, fall leaves, and a pumpkin, squash or gourd).

You may also want to include something to represent each of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, ether.

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Crystals, incense, fall essential oils, and anything else that is high vibrational and inspiring to you is a great addition to your sacred space!

Remember that the Equinox is a time of celebration, balance, and gratitude. Create your altar in a way that personally reflects this for you to help you to celebrate the new season of life you’re stepping into.

Getting Started

Light some candles, burn some sage or diffuse an essential oil to begin.

Call in the presence of your personal team of guides, angels, and Ascended Masters of the Light.

Put on some relaxing music or listen to High Vibration Meditation…

The brand new Downloads of Divine Consciousness Series is Divinely designed to support you right here and now!

Breathe, relax, fully enter into the present moment… And focus your awareness inward.

If you’re not listening to a guided meditation… Go through every part of your body, feeling yourself filling up with light and deeply relaxing.

Imagine light all around you. Breathe it in and feel your inner light is growing crisper and more vibrant.

Breathe light into each and every cell as your vibration raises, and you become enveloped in light and love.

Just breathe, relax, and be…

Enjoy connecting with your light, with your team of guides and angels, and enjoy the magic of tuning into the infinite possibility available to you right here and now.

After your meditation…

Take some time to reflect on the cycle of growth that is coming to a culmination now.

Internal development is one of the core Autumnal themes, and a great way to honor this is through reflection and journaling.

Journal Prompts for the Autumn EquinoxJournal Prompts For the Autumn Equinox

Write out the following questions and answers in your journal.

What were the intentions you set this past spring?
What did you do to cultivate them?
How are those intentions manifesting now?
What are you harvesting in your life now?
Were these the wisest seeds you could have sown?

What challenges appeared for you in this last cycle?
How did you navigate through them?
What could you have done differently?

What can you change now to stay in greater love, peace, and balance?

Release Into The Light

While writing out the answers to the above questions… Pay attention to how you feel.

If strong emotions, fear, or sadness arises… Love what appears!

Meet your feelings with honesty, love, and compassion…

And then be willing to forgive, release, and let go.

Make Three Lists


Put into writing three lists of things.

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  1. The things you are grateful for in your life. These are things that will be renewed, replenished, and enhanced as you move forward.
  2. Write down the things you want to call forth in your life. What do you want to create and manifest? These are your highest intentions moving forward and can be anything from new levels of authenticity, spiritual gifts, exciting new opportunities, prosperity, and abundance, or new levels of joy, peace, and inspiring creative ideas.
  3. Write down the things you’re willing to let go of to create space for your dreams. What do you want to release from your life to make space for the new? Think- Fears, doubts, insecurities, and limiting patterns.

Thank your team for their ongoing love, guidance, and support in your life.

And then… Keep the celebration going!

Blow out your candles, make a warm mug of tea

Or even better, cook up a healthy Equinox feast!

Healthy Fall Equinox Feast

Celebrate autumn equinox will a fall harvest feast. I love kicking off the start of fall with something like a warm and hearty veggie stew, roasted squash or a comforting potato leek soup (vegan version of course) …

What is both healthy, nourishing, and tasty that just screams Autumn? Go with that!

Crisp apples, fresh figs, pears, nuts, pomegranates, squash, sweet potatoes, beets, and pumpkins… Just typing that has me excited about the many delicious flavors of fall!

While you’re prepping or cooking, and before you eat, imagine your meal completely filled with the most vibrant light!

(Or snack… You can totally do this with just an apple or pear)

Set the intention for your meal to nourish and support you in heading into the new season renewed, refreshed,  filled with vitality, and connected to your highest level of light!


With love and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler



Oracle of the Angels – Healing Imagery of the Angelic Realm

Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay

Oracle of the Angels - Angel Card Deck ReviewI recently purchased a new deck of Angel Oracle Cards that just shines with light, magic, and angelic energy. Honestly, it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite decks of Angel Cards…


Let’s dive into the Oracle of the Angels!

Oracle of the Angels Review

The Oracle of the Angels is a 44-card deck both written and illustrated by Mario Duguay.

This deck has an incredible angelic energy and for me, the most noteworthy thing about it is the absolutely vibrant artwork!

Each of the 44 card images really shines with light and angelic energy, and every illustration is rich with detail and symbolism.

I LOVE how detailed and symbolic the card images are because this makes the deck perfect to use for completing Intuitive Angel Card Readings without looking up the cards meaning in the guidebook… Which is how I prefer to read Angel Cards.

When you consciously approach this deck with an open heart and with the clear intention to connect with guidance, love, and insight from your team of guides and angels directly…

These cards can become a tremendous ally for tuning right into the divine guidance, love and profound wisdom you have access to within!

Oracle of the Angels Images:

Oracle of the Angels - Oracle Card Images

Beautiful Oracle of the Angels Deck

Look inside The Oracle Of The Angels Oracle Cards

The Oracle of the Angels Guidebook

The Oracle of the Angels comes neatly packaged in a small cardboard box with a small accompanying guidebook. The guidebook covers basic information on how to use the cards and it has some interesting oracle card spreads along with a short description of meaning for each of the 44 cards.

With each of the short (3-4 sentence) card descriptions, the guidebook also reveals a supportive affirmation to help you open the door to receiving greater love and divine wisdom.

For example… The I Am Beautiful Card includes this short affirmation in the guidebook:

“I am beautiful. My light brings hope to those around me. My smile makes the world brighter.”

Honestly, most of the guidebook descriptions sort of miss for me…

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It’s not that they’re wrong or anything like that… They just didn’t really connect with me in a deep way.

However, because the artwork is so profoundly revealing, with deep symbolic imagery, and beautiful little details… I don’t mind the limitations of the guidebook at all, and I am more than happy to read the cards based on intuition alone.

As I mentioned above, I favor decks that can be read on intuition without needing to glance at the guidebook, and this one certainly does that.

Learn more about how to open to reading Angel Cards Intuitively for yourself here!

That being said, if you are a complete beginner when it comes to opening your intuition and reading Angel Cards, the guidebook does offer the short explanation which can serve as an additional intuitive trigger above and beyond the symbolic and detailed artwork and the card title printed each card.

This is the perfect deck for learning to receive deeper intuitive guidance, insights and healing directly from Spirit.

Angelic Themes of Love, Expansion and Divine Wisdom

This deck really is uplifting, light-filled, and angelic in every sense.

The card titles include names like:

Blessing Angel Card from the Oracle of the Angels... Read the full review of this deck here.

Moving Towards the Light
Positive Intention
Inner Peace
A Door to the Infinite
Inner Child
Here and Now
Infinite Potential
Believe In Your Dreams

… and more!

Oracle of the Angels - Oracle Card DeckIs This A Good Oracle Card Deck For You?

If you’re interested in a deck that supports you in connecting with angelic energy, developing your intuition and tuning into the Divine love and magic within all around you… I would absolutely add this deck to your collection. ?

When it comes to Oracle Cards… There are some that just have a special spark of magic, light and angelic energy… And for me, this is absolutely one of those decks!

You can find the Oracle of the Angels on Amazon

Be sure to get the version by Mario Duguay linked to above, as there is another deck with this same title.

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler




P.S. Have you experienced this deck? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Equinox Spiritual Meaning

Spiritual Significance of the Spring and Autumn Equinox

Equinox Spiritual MeaningThe Sun is both the source of light and life on Earth, and the Equinox and Solstice are the turning points in the solar cycle of the seasons. (Learn more about the Solstice here).

Equinoxes happen every year on approximately March 20th and September 21nd, when the Sun’s rays shine directly on the Equator.

During these two points of the year, the tilt of the Earth in its rotational orbit is in a straight alignment with the Sun. The sun crosses the celestial equator and we experience balanced day and night, and light and dark.

With this, there is an incredible balance created, and all over the planet, day and night are approximately equal. Masculine and feminine are balanced, and the playing field is level for all.

Depending on what Hemisphere you’re in, and the time of year, the Equinox marks the entrance into either Spring or Autumn.

With the Spring Equinox, the light of day begins to grow longer heading towards the Summer Solstice. With the Autumn Equinox, the days begin to grow shorter heading towards Winter.

The Spiritual Significance of the Equinoxes

The Equinox is a powerful time to tap into the wisdom of the Earth, the light of the Sun, and your profound connection with Source, and the entire Cosmos.

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 “In the Yogic tradition, the Equinox is seen as a day when one has the best possibilities of transcending the limitations and compulsions of one’s physical longings.” ~Sadhguru 

Ancient cultures and traditions around the world honored the cycle of the seasons, placing a key emphasis on these turning points of Solstices and Equinoxes.

The entire journey the Earth makes around the Sun represents the cycles of light and darkness, as well as death, life, and rebirth.

Equinox Energy is An Ascension Trigger

Equinox and an Ascension TriggerThe Equinox energy is essentially an ascension trigger; for humanity and the planet!

With each passing Equinox, a new wave of balance, light and an opportunity to transcend illusion and step into more of our authentic truth and soul light emerges.

“There is an opening, an energy gate, and there will be more. This is a part of restoring the divine blueprint for your world… Peaking on the progressing equinoxes, the crystalline energies that have lain dormant for so long are being activated.” ~Archangel Metatron

Read or listen to this full channeling with Metatron on Crystalline Energy as an Ascension Trigger here.

You don’t have to consciously tune into the Equinox energies and consciously integrate them into your life, but there is so much power in doing so!

During the equinox, the crystalline energy of light will be available for you to download, by tuning into your heart, allowing… and when you do a divine realignment, cleanse, and connection to your path and life’s purpose will occur.

This is a powerful and sacred time for you to identify the intentions you truly desire to manifest in your physical life on Earth, and on your spiritual ascension path.

Let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts, and fears, and allow yourself to imagine being truly connected to your true power, light, and ability to create blessings, joy, and love in your life.

What have you wanted in life and not believed to be possible or dared to go after?

Now is the time to look within and to remember your authentic desires… And then to plant new seeds and ideas about what is possible for you in this life.

Each Equinox and Solstice in procession continues to build and increase in frequency.

Avoid being overwhelmed by this energy which can feel intense at times. It’s not the new levels of light that feel intense, but rather the release and letting go of the old. Intensity comes when we hold onto the past instead of freely letting it go.

Release into the light, return to love, and ride the Equinox waves of light and transformational change on the planet.

Here is a powerful Equinox channeled meditation to support you on and around the time of the Equinox, whether that happens to be Spring or Autumn.

Or get the brand new Equinox Downloads of Divine Consciousness Here! 

What Is the Difference Between the Spring and Fall Equinox?

Spring Equinox Meaning

Spring Equinox MeaningAh, spring! This season brings increased daylight, warming temperatures, and the visual rebirth of the flora and fauna of the Earth. Green buds begin to appear, birds chirp and flowers bloom… Growth and renewal are in the air.

Astrologically, this is the beginning of the tropical new year. It is a powerful time to reconsider what goals or wishes you would like to manifest in the coming days.

Spring cleaning is supported now, so let go of all that no longer serves you… spiritually, mentally, and physically! Let go, relax, and allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of the Earth around you.

The Spring Equinox is Mother Earth’s celebration of rebirth. Let the increased light bring inspiration to your spirit and your heart. Give yourself permission to celebrate this now! This is a time of balance and harmony. A moment of respite as the sun is centered between Northern and Southern Hemisphere and centered between earth and sky. This creates a sacred cross, offering to balance and harmonizing energy for our planet and for humanity.

This energy serves you. Tune into your heart… and to the awareness that you are connected to all that is. From this space, you have all that you need to heal, to grow… to witness miracles in your life.

Autumn Equinox Meaning

Autumn Equinox MeaningIt is with the Autumn Equinox that we begin to prepare for the darkness of winter that is to come. From this point, days now begin to grow shorter and nights get longer.

While this Equinox marks the point of diminishing sunlight, it is also a time of harvest where we celebrate all that has come to fruition in the bright light of summer.

It’s a time of facing our inner shadow, and the concepts of death, void, and blackness.

The Autumn Equinox is a powerful time to tune into gratitude, reflection and to prepare for winter where the beautiful opportunity to journey inward emerges from the cold and dark.

With Autumn Equinox, it’s a beautiful time to honor how far you’ve come and return to balance and presence before continuing onward in the journey through life.

For some Autumn inspiration, check out my Autumn Poem here!

Or enjoy this Autumnal Equinox Ritual!

Whether Spring or Fall, the balanced time on and around the Equinox aims to assist you in balancing your own life with the true desires of your heart. Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth.

Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth and stepping into a new level of your highest authenticity and soul light.

One of the key ways to support yourself in making this alignment is regular meditation, where you create coherence with your heart, mind, and the higher levels of light and Divine love. 

To gain access to all of my newest angel meditations and activations, be sure to check out The Angel Solution Membership!

Melanie Beckler


What You Seek Is Seeking You

What You Seek Is Seeking YouYou truly have access to all that you need…

Are you allowing yourself to access it?

Are you viewing the path before you through lenses of clarity, trust, and love?

Or are you seeing and perceiving roadblocks and limitations that in reality, aren’t really there?

This is your call…

To trust even more.

To trust the guidance that is within and all around you.

To trust that the full magic of creation wants to be seen, felt, experienced and fully revealed.


And then open your heart to tune into it.

Call in your team of guides, angels, and masters of love.

Call in support and guidance.

Ask for assistance!

And know that all is aligning for you to receive and experience in a more profound way than you have before…

The support and guidance…

The clarity, certainty and knowing about the next steps on your path and the next stage of your purpose.

Remember, the way through a challenge is always revealed… Though sometimes cloaked in a shroud of illusion.

This is your call and reminder that it is well within your ability to see through that.

See through illusion to witness the underlying love, harmony and crystalline coherence connecting all things.

Align with this crystalline path of geometric perfection.

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Bringing yourself into alignment with who you really are and with the most divinely guided and inspired possibilities for your life beginning to present themselves to you now.

Trust the process. Honor the journey, let love guide you and know that love opens the pathway for your higher levels of knowing, guidance, clarity and light too to shine through.

You have access to that which you yearn for.

You have more support, inspiration, wisdom, and guidance around you than you’ve yet to perceive.

Let yourself begin to look for it. Feel into it. Believe that what you seek is seeking you.

Let yourself trust, love, and tune in.

Remember that you’re far more than your physical body.

And you’re far more than your personal level of awareness and present perspective in this now.

Become the peace, presence, truth and openness you really are. What you seek is seeking you. And all you are being called to purge, heal, release, let go of and integrate opens the doorways of awareness for more of your embodied perspective…

Clears the pathways of love allowing your highest Divine Mastery and fully integrated multi-dimensional self to come into being.

And so as they arise, celebrate, honor and love the lower levels of illusion, emotion, pattern and belief that are revealed. For with awareness, the release has already been initiated.

With awareness, you are already set free, unshackled, and untied. Freed from the grip of illusion and reconnected with the higher levels of truth becoming available to you now.

The expanded awareness about who you are and all that is possible for you to now grow into, expand into, integrate and become.

Stepping into a higher level of your service and mission through simply being all that you are.

Living in greater alignment, harmony, and coherence with why you’re really here.

And so breathe and become aware…

Trust and let yourself know.

Open and set yourself free.

Step into your Mastery.

Claim your Divine levels of creative expression…

Your higher light and pure embodiment.

Become the love presence, peace, and openness you really are.

Melanie Beckler



Spiritual Presence and Integrating All That Is Available to You Now

Integrating Divine Light Through Spiritual Presence

Integrating Divine Light through Spiritual Presence

As you, present within space and time. continue to receive waves of ascension energy…

Cosmic Light…

And Divine Frequency…

Remember to allow yourself the space to integrate.

Integrating the higher Downloads of Divine Consciousness…

While purging and releasing your lower levels of emotion, limiting belief, and distortion that cannot occupy the same space as the higher expanded levels of frequency light and expanded awareness you are moving into.


Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into.

Spiritual Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into. Experience.


Expanded Awareness…

And all that on strands of light continues to stream in.

Presence in your body… You are meant to be the HUman being you are.

Presence in the moment… You are the focused multidimensional expression of the infinite, and you become aware of this timeless expression in each moment of presence.

Presence within your heart center…

The awakened Divine Light you carry within. Through tuning into this, and basking in this you are able to feel into the deep love and wisdom within and all around.

Being present with what arises… Metting what emerges in your inner or outer space with awareness and with love.

Through presence you learn the lessons, claim the blessings, and restore yourself as the bridge of light, you are.

Bridging spirit and physical.

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Bridging the limited awareness of the mind and the infinite.

Relax and open to be the clear conduit of Source Presence You Are.

Knowing that through your full embodiment you heal yourself, and heal all.

Across the lines of time, across time and space.

Remember the infinite healing energy, light, and frequency of Source is available to you in every moment, of awareness, presence and with your conscious choice to tune in.

To drop from the realm of mind, downward in awareness into your heart center.

To tune into the light glowing within and all around which when opened acts as a doorway, a magnet, a sacred portal for you to receive the light of the infinite, which you can now become aware of through your open-hearted, centered space.

Experience the DIvine Light, life- force energy infinite source presence streaming down upon you, lighting up your space in this moment here and now.

And now envision, imagine, feel, sense and experience your every cell looking up, lifting up, to receive the light, to allow the light to flood your entire being, to fill every cell, to flow into any areas of tension, pain…

To flow into any areas where trauma still resides.

To flush your cellular being, your physical being, to flush your mind, body, spirit, emotions, aura with Source Light.

Tune into the light.

Breathe it in.

Fill your body as you ground the light of the infinite into this moment here and now.

To be and breathe, expand and become…

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The being of light…

The being of love…

You are.

You are this in every moment, you are this across the lines of time.

Through presence, you tune in.

Claiming the opportunity presented to you now, to fully become all that you are.

Melanie Beckler

Spiritual Significance of Halloween

Spiritual Halloween. What’s the Real Meaning of All Hallows Eve?

With just a short stroll through any grocery store in October, you’ll be quick to realize what one of the main icons of Halloween has become: candy!

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I’m not going to lie, dressing up in costume and collecting free candy from everyone in the neighborhood growing up, made Halloween one of my favorite holidays.

But in addition to candy, costumes, spooky fun and ghoulish decorations…

I bet you’ve sensed or felt deep down that spiritually, on Halloween, there’s something more!

Maybe that’s why you’re here reading this now…

And you’re right!

There is a deeper spiritual significance that underlies the mainstream fascination with Halloween largely revolving around trick-or-treating, haunted houses, Halloween costumes, and spooky fun.

So what is the true spiritual meaning of Halloween?

A great place to find the spiritual meaning of Halloween comes from looking at the origin of the holiday.

Halloweens Origin As Samhain

Spiritual Halloween SignificanceHalloween’s origins can be traced back to the ancient Celts who celebrated Samhain (pronounced sow-in).

Samhain was the final harvest festival of the season, celebrated at the exact point between the Fall Equinox, and Winter Solstice (Right around October 31st).

Samhain marked the end of the growing season, the entrance into winter months… And was seen as a powerful turning point in the wheel of the year representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

In the wheel of the year cycle; Samhain was the time of death.

The time in which the trees shed their leaves, animals go into hibernation, and the days grow short and cold…

Samhain was a celebration of the ending or death of a cycle, and entrance into the inwardly focused period of rest, and stillness that is winter…

It was a celebration of darkness… And I don’t mean darkness as in “evil”, but rather a darkness that represents the unknown, the void, the subconscious mind, the realm of intuition, and all we cannot logically see or comprehend.

Samhain was also a time when the veils between the realms of the living and the afterlife were said to be thin. Learn more about the thinning of the veil here. 

The ancient Celts tapped into this energy with rituals to celebrate death, to honor those in the afterlife, and to gain insight into the darker hidden realms of existence.

Their belief was that in integrating and accepting the darkness… The knowledge and power of the light is also renewed.

The Spiritual Significance of Halloween Today

Now that you know the earliest history of Halloween…

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I want to share a little perspective of how you can add a spiritual twist to your Halloween celebrations today.

With Halloween being a celebration of the ending of a cycle and the death of what has been…

It’s a powerful time to honor and release what all has died and moved on from your reality.

Release and Let Go!

The time on and around Halloween is a perfect opportunity to release and let go!

Consciously make an effort to let go of lower emotions, and energies tied to past situations, thoughts, and patterns…

Take some time to cleanse your energy with a salt bath, a cleansing meditation, or just by consciously cleansing your energy with light and returning to love.

Letting go also includes taking the time to honor and release all that you have achieved in the past year.

Just as can be seen by the trees who are modeling this for us now by losing their leaves…

When you shed and let go of all that has been, and let what has been completed die and fall away… You tap into the power of the cycles of life, and the opportunity to make way for new creative possibilities and opportunities to appear.

Connect with The Realms of Spirit

Since Halloween is a time in which the spirit world is more active, and the veil between realms is thin…

It’s a perfect time to consciously tune into the realms of spirit too.

This could be honoring your ancestors and loved ones in spirit. Looking for signs from deceased loved ones.

Or just heightening your intuition, and tuning your natural psychic abilities so you can connect with the guidance and insight of your guides and angels.

Learn a simple process to connect with your Spirit Guides here!

Or learn to connect with your ancestors and loved ones in Heaven here.

Halloween and Psychic Protection

Halloween and Psychic ProtectionBecause Halloween is a time in which the veils are thin, and many celebrate the holiday without awareness…

It’s a good idea to consciously keep your energy clear and protected, which is really easy to do with a bit of awareness, love, and light.

This is especially important if you go to a Halloween party where people are drinking alcohol, or you go see a scary movie or attend a haunted house or somewhere that fear energies are being generated and called in, or where people are or focusing on the lower spookier spiritual realms…

Learn simple psychic protection techniques for Halloween or anytime here!

I do want to make one thing perfectly clear… Halloween is not a holiday to be feared!

It’s just wise to give a little extra effort towards releasing what no longer serves… Honoring your intuition, and honoring the incredible life beyond what we can see, and understand from our perspective as being in the physical.

I see Halloween as a great opportunity to welcome the unknown, reflect, release, and bring a little extra magic and intuition into everyday life.

Maybe this year while you’re taking your kids trick-or-treating or passing out candy in your neighborhood you’ll remember:

Death is no barrier to love, and as the wheel of life turns, and death appears…

It is just paving the way for the next cycle of rebirth, where we’re reset into an experience that’s entirely new.

Happy Halloween! 

How do you like to celebrate Samhain or Halloween? Comment below and let me know!

With love, light, and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler

Turkey Symbolism and Totem Meaning

A Look Into The Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of Turkey

Turkey Symbolism and Totem MeaningThis past summer I stayed on a large property that was surrounded by forest.  And much to my delight… A large family of Wild Turkeys regularly strolled through.

I don’t know if you’ve really looked to notice… But turkeys are incredibly beautiful birds.

Okay… maybe a bit weird looking from certain vantage points… But when you really look…

Their skin and feathers are slightly iridescent and in certain lighting, they seem to contain an entire rainbow of colors. Male birds are especially colorful, and fancy, when they puff up their chests and spread their feathers in a beautiful peacock-like display.

It’s not just the males though… Female and baby turkeys are also quite iridescent and beautiful…

Turkeys are quite the regal birds really.

It was so fun to watch them zig-zagging through the yard, the mama turkey clearly teaching her younglings about how to eat and thrive in the world… And the males gathering together to cockily strut their stuff and (as I imagine) talk about how beautiful they are.


My time with the turkeys this summer really helped me to attune to their energy and understand the unique spiritual medicine and all they have to offer.

So just the other day when I was offered the option to “reserve my Turkey” at Natural Grocers… It really hit me how culturally disconnected we’ve become to the sacred wisdom of turkey. And instead of honoring and learning from these wise birds, we literally have a mass-slaughter and holiday designed around eating them.

This, and because I recently kept seeing so many turkeys, I thought I’d share with you here a bit of what I’ve learned about the magic, wisdom and guidance of the turkeys.

Turkey Symbolism and the Sacred Nature of Turkey

The Sacred Nature of Turkey

When you look deeply into Turkeys appearance… It’s clear to see that they are really magical birds. So its no surprise to find that turkeys were considered sacred by ancient Mexican cultures like the Aztecs, Mayans, and Toltecs who honored turkeys for their striking beauty and cocky confidence and price.

Certain Native American tribes also honored Turkey as a spirit of abundance, sacrifice and fertility.

So what is the spiritual meaning of Turkey?

Turkey Totem Meaning

As a spirit animal and ally, turkey reminds us of the power of honoring nature and being in deep communion and connection with the Earth.

Turkey reminds us to honor ourselves, honor the Earth, and to care for and nourish both. When we do, so many blessings of abundance, community, authentic connection, harmony and fulfillment can align as a result.

Cultivating a harmonious relationship with the Earth is one of the key teachings of Turkeys wisdom…

And one we’re surely in need of in the world today!

Ironic that Turkey seeks to teach us how to have a harmonious relationship with the Earth and culturally we literally “eat the messenger”?

Harmonious Relationship with Mother Earth

When you do cultivate a relationship of harmony, gratitude, and love with the Earth…  This becomes a solid foundation for your own vibrant wellbeing on both the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

As a totem, turkey is a wise and intelligent guide who can help you to cultivate greater abundance and fulfillment by harmonizing your relationship with nature and all of life.

Turkey’s also are strong symbols of the importance of community, sharing, and authentic connection.

What Does It Mean When Turkey Crosses Your Path?

If a turkey has crossed your path through either seeing turkeys in the wild, appearing in a dream or meditation… Or you’ve come across pictures of turkeys somewhere, even online…  

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You might ask yourself how you’re honoring and nurturing yourself, and what you’re doing to connect with and care for the Earth.

Are you tuning into all you have to be grateful for and openly receiving and flowing forth blessings in life?

Turkey also reminds us to be grateful and aware of the many blessings in life. A call for gratitude… And a reminder for you to shine your unique light, and express your unique soul qualities and inner brilliance. Like the beautiful male turkeys strutting their stuff and showing off their beautiful feathers for all to see… It’s time for you to reveal more of your brilliance and beauty in the world.

Turkey Feather Meaning

Turkey feathers are a beautiful symbol of abundance, a sign of the power of co-creating with Mother Earth, and a reminder that now is a fertile time for creation.

And like all feathers, a reminder of the presence of Spirit.

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler

The Veil Is Thin and Getting Thinner….

Understanding The Veil and What A Thin Veil Means

The Veil is Thin and Getting Thinner The Veil is Thin and Getting Thinner… Have you heard this?

I’ll bet you have… But let’s take this a bit deeper and dive into the heart of what it really means.

What Is The Veil?

I think the best place to begin looking at this topic is by answering the question: “What the heck is The Veil anyway?”

The Veil is first and foremost a metaphor… Because veiled in the illusion of time and space is the highest truth of who you really are.

So “The Veil” is essentially the barrier between you in the physical and the spiritual realms.

It’s also sometimes called The Veil of Illusion because the very purpose of The Veil is to provide a barrier between spirit and the physical world… But the reality and underlying truth is that spirit and the physical are interconnected, and any perceived blocks or barriers are simply illusion.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one” -Einstein

In other words, The Veils of Illusion are part of the programming of reality. They are the constructs that hold back your infinite spiritual awareness, so you can perceive yourself as a limited physical being.

As The Veils dissolve, thin or fall away, truth is revealed, and you can experience beyond the physical…

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This can unfold in many different realms ranging from perceiving non-physical beings, experiencing your multidimensional self, simply expanding consciousness, tuning into higher awareness, or receiving clear guidance and inspiration from Spirit.

The Thinning of The Veil

We live in a time period in which the Veils are naturally thinning due to the ongoing ascension process and the incredible influxes of plasma light and ascension energy.

This energy is triggering more and more people to awaken to higher consciousness and direct spiritual experience. As more people wake up across the planet and begin to stand in empowerment to perceive and reach beyond The Veil… The rate at which The Veil is thinning further accelerates.

Glimpsing Beyond The Veil

The Veil is Thin and Getting Thinner... Learn what this means and how to glimpse beyond The Veil here now!When you consciously direct your attention towards the realms of Spirit, you’ll likely have experiences where you glimpse beyond the veil. These glimpses, spiritual experiences — whether they happen spontaneously, or from consciously working towards opening your psychic abilities — attunes your energy to Spirit, and anchors Spirit into the physical further peeling back The Veil of Illusion and freeing your conscious awareness…

The process of gradually peeling back the Veils of Illusion raises your frequency, expands consciousness and empowers you to enter into a heightened state of awareness.

As more and more individuals wake up and experience beyond The Veil, this gradually and yet consistently Thins the Veil on a collective scale.

Yes this is happening now, and yes, the thinning is accelerating.

Where and When Is The Veil The Thinnest?

Okay… So we talked about what The Veil is and how it is consistently thinning…

But have you heard of times like Samhain/ Halloween, “the witching hour” or maybe you’ve heard of or been to certain sacred sites or “thin places” where The Veil is naturally thinner?

I’ll confirm it for you… There are absolutely certain times, and many, many different locations where The Veil between the physical and the spiritual is naturally thinner.

Liminal Space

One of the hidden keys to finding these thin times and places has to do with the liminal.

Liminal comes from the Latin word līmen, which means “a threshold”…

So liminal spaces or places where the veil is thin are the spaces where you have left something behind but are not yet fully in something else.

For example: The space between where the Ocean ends and Land begins is a liminal “crossing over” space where if you stand there…

You’re not quite in the Ocean, and you’re not quite on Land… You’re in-between space, both in the Ocean and on Land… And in a sense, in neither.

As a result of being “in-between”, in a liminal space, peering through The Veil, which is the “in-between” of Spirit and Physical also becomes easier.

So these points of in-between, both on the Earth, and found in time, are places where the veil is naturally thin, offering a boose in glimpsing beyond The Veil into the realms of Spirit.

Times/ Places Where The Veil is Thin

Additional liminal times or places where the veil is thin include:

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The boundaries between land and water…
Where the desert meets the forest…
Earth meets rock…

Or where mountaintops turn into sky…
Meteor Craters (where Space meets Earth)
Volcanoes or Hot Springs (where the core of the Earth meets the surface)

Sunset (the in-between day and night)
The Witching Hour (the in-between midnight and dawn)

Samhain (the time of the year between Summer and Winter)
Beltane (the time of the year between Winter and Summer)

The hypnogogic state (the state between dreaming and waking)

Waterfalls (the space between Water and Air)
Natural arches or tunnels (Where Earth meets Air)

Places where its foggy or misty (also where Water meets Air)

Different thin places grant you access to different aspects of Spirit, and different spiritual dimensions. For example, to keep running with the shoreline where Ocean meets Land… It’s not necessarily going to provide clear access beyond the veil to talk to your grandfather in Spirit… (unless maybe he was a surfer) … But it will likely be a place where its easier to communicate with the spiritual beings who are present in that space.

Beyond the Veil

Although the veils are certainly thinning now… As physical beings, the realms of magic and spirit largely remain just outside of our everyday awareness and normal waking consciousness.

This doesn’, however,r mean that we can’t consciously cultivate a profound relationship with Spirit…

And through this, further, peel back The Veil of Illusion to expand consciousness and anchor the light and wisdom of the spiritual realms into life to help bring about positive change and transformation in the physical.

A great place to start cultivating that relationship and peeling back The Veil is through meditation…

Check out our collection of free angel meditations here…

Or get the most up to date Angelic Activations and Meditations inside of The Angel Solution Membership here!

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler

Birthday of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919), the 26th President of the United States, was ambitious, aggressive, occasionally contradictory, always dynamic. He was a physical fitness enthusiast, soldier, cowboy, politician, explorer, conservationist, big game hunter, and writer. His unusual blend of talents and commitments resulted in a life of action which mirrored the emergence of America on the world scene in the twentieth century.

Attending Harvard University, this go-getter competed as a boxer and graduated at the top of his class. He was elected an assemblyman at the age of 23, the youngest member of the New York State Legislature, where he was a champion of municipal reform. When the United States went to war with Spain, he organized a regiment and led these ” Rough Riders” in the capture of San Juan Hill in Cuba. Returning home as a hero, he was elected Governor of New York. He was elected Vice President of the United States in 1900, and after President William McKinley was assassinated, he became the youngest President in American history, serving from 1901 – 1909.

Much of the physical and mental energy of Theodore Roosevelt went into his warrior ethic which was expressed when he said: “No triumph of peace is quite as great as the supreme triumphs of war.” Yet, on the other hand, this indomitable President used his passionate feelings for the natural world to introduce conservationist legislation he pushed through during his years in the White House.

To Name This Day . . .

Spiritual Practice

“Passion is what disturbs and confounds the safe and the settled in your life,” writes Gregg Levoy in Vital Signs, as if describing the life of Theodore Roosevelt. “Passion is the impulse toward growth, which, by its nature, protests boredom and ennui, refuses to bump mindlessly along on the conveyor belt, and has little patience for the ‘been there, done that’ attitude that there’s nothing new under the sun. It is what stirs your interest in life, helping you awaken from the trances and entrapments of the everyday, which block the natural migration of your energies.

“Whether passion takes the form of colorful intensity or contemplative alertness, it constitutes to a vibrant life, a keen awareness of where the impulse is, and a determination to plug into that place. It helps you stay engaged with the world and enjoy it as a function of the primary calling of all creatures — maximum aliveness.”

Why do people with high energy and incredible pep impress those who work or socialize with them? Has this been the case with you? Who has inspired you most with his or her “maximum aliveness”? What practices have you tried which can deepen and enhance your zeal?

Stolen Daughters: Kidnapped by Boko Haram

On April 14, 2014, gunmen entered a boarding school in Chibok, Northern Nigeria, and kidnapped 276 girls. The perpetrators of this terrorist attack were part of Boko Haram, an Islamist extremist group that has been at war with the Nigerian government since 2009. They have terrorized the country, destroying villages, leaving some 28,000 people dead and forcing three million to flee. Their most known atrocities have been committed against women and girls, who have been raped, taken to a forest hideout, and forced to marry the terrorists.

The fate of the Chibok girls became the focus of a global media campaign with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. In the early hours of the kidnapping, 57 girls escaped. Three years later, 103 were released. The others remain in captivity.

This documentary follows the released girls as they adjust to life after their shared trauma. The Nigerian government puts them up in a safe house in the capital of Abuja, where they receive medical and psychological assistance and attend school. The filmmakers received exclusive access to the girls but have to rely on secret journals to learn what had happened to them in the forest. Government officials, fearing that Boko Haram will not release the remaining girls, insist that the girls not talk about their past, only about the benefits they are receiving now. Although many are still deeply traumatized by what they have experienced and seen, they enjoy trips outside the safe house and visits with their families. Eventually they enroll in the American University of Nigeria.

In contrast to all the attention given to the Chibok girls are the stories of the “Forgotten Girls,” as many as 2,000 other women and girls who have been taken by Boko Haram. In interviews in Maiduguri, where they have gone after escaping from the forest, even though it is home to many members of Boko Haram, they talk about being raped, tortured, and observers of atrocities. One of them, Habiba, got pregnant in the forest, escaped and gave birth, only to discover she is HIV-positive and have her baby die. She reaches out to two brothers, who witnessed the killing of their parents, and they create a new family.

In 2014, ISIS (in Iraq) and Boko Haram were responsible for 51% of all terrorism-related deaths, according to the Global Terrorism Index. In 2015, terrorism increased most significantly in Nigeria, where deaths increased by over 300 per cent to 7,512 fatalities. The fifth edition of the Index, published in 2017, noted that deaths from terrorism had fallen. But the statistics, as this documentary proves, only tell a small part of the story. The effects of terrorism cannot be estimated or ever thoroughly revealed. Films like Stolen Daughters create empathy for the survivors and help us, if only partially, to understand.